І. generals. 1.1 The rules of using a regional library for children are worked out in accordance with Law of Ukraine "On making alteration in Law of Ukraine "On libraries and library business", on the basis of the Typical rules of using libraries in Ukraine with changes and additions, ratified by the order of Ministry of culture and arts of Ukraine from 25.05.2001 № 319 and registered in Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in 22.06.2001 after № 538/5729. 1.2 The rules of using a library spread to all users of library. 1.3 A library is obligated to execute the functions in accordance with status, having a special purpose setting, will lay down users, specializations of library funds and presence of informative resources. ІІ. Rights for users. 2.1 Library users are children and teenagers, organizers of child's reading
(parents, teachers, educators, librarians, students, are future
teachers, library workers) and other categories of population
participating to the processes educations, studies, organizations of
leisure of children. 2.2 Library users have a right to get free information about composition of library fund, consultative help in the searches of information generators, to get in the temporal use documents (books, magazines, кінофотофонодокументи, documents on electronic transmitters) from a library fund, to participate in mass measures, that a library conducts, included in reader associations after interests (groups, clubs, лекторії and others like that) and to use other types of services, including. on requiring payment basis. 2.3 Library service is carried out through the system: subscriptions ( including - inter-library), reading-rooms and providing the Internet - to access to the users. 2.4 Users to subscription have a right to take away documents outside a library, if they are writtenin in reader формулярі. 2.5 Users have a right to get for working out of library non-permanent not more than 5 documents by a term to 15 days. The term of using documents on the request of user can be prolonged, if on them absent demand of other users. Term of using new receipts, by the documents of the increased reader demand it can be diminished to 7 days. 2.6 A library determines kinds and types of documents which are given out in a reading-room independently. Amount of documents which are given out to the users in a reading-room not limited. 2.7 Valuable editions, reference books, encyclopaedias, and also books, are given out for the use only in a reading-room. At presence of duplicate documents readers can take advantage of services nightly to subscription (in obedience to Statute about requiring payment services in a regional library for children the name of. T. G. Shevchenka). 2.8 Delivery home documents which have the increased demand, can be carried
out under caution money. The size of mortgage is set by a library. 2.9 In the case of absence in the library fund of necessary documents an user has a right to take advantage of services the Internet - to the class for a search and receipt of necessary information from electronic sources, and also to order and get documents or their copies from other libraries through MBA ( at bringing of certain registration fee). 2.10 Organizers of child's reading, persons which temporally live in an area service a library have a right to use reading-rooms or get documents home under caution money. 2.11 The separate categories of users ( to put are orphans, to put are invalids, to put from having many children and of scanty means families, put the workers of organs of internal affairs which perished during implementation of official duties) have a right on privileges which are set by a library. III. Duties of users. 3.1 For a record to the library citizens produce a passport or document, that replaces him, give a snapshot, meet with library services, rules of using a library, sign the obligation of them to execute and give to the list for filling of registration card and reader формуляра. Children and teenagers are to 16 years written down in a library on the basis of passport of parents or person which they are under surveillance of. 3.2 Using documents from a library fund, an user must with care behave to them; at a receipt to check up their amount and presence of damages, in the case of exposure of defects alert to it a librarian which is under an obligation to do a corresponding mark on documents. Differently responsibility for the defects educed in books is born the by an user. 3.3 For every document, got in a library, an user is painted in reader forms (at under-five/pls parents are painted). Documents, got from
the funds of library an user must return in the set terms. Returning of
documents makes sure the signature of librarian. 3.4 User which lost or injured a document from the fund of library, and also got through MBA, must replace him analogical, whether by a document, acknowledged, or to recover the real market value of документа. Compensation a library determines size depending on the value of edition. 3.5 For a loss or spoilage of from the fund of library by a minor user responsibility is born the by his parents, guardians, educational establishment or establishment, which he is under surveillance of. 3.6 Users in a library must adhere to silense, general rules of etiquette, culture of conduct and fire-prevention safety. 3.7 An user which breaks rule using a library too late returns or damages library documents, an equipment, depending on the measure of the inflicted losses, is delivered right to use a library by a term from half-year to the complete exception from a number the users of library. Materials about malicious violation of rules of using a library can be passed in a court according to the current legislation of Ukraine. 3.8 Users bear the responsibility for the unauthorized use of the databases other objects of intellectual property created by a library in compliance with the legislation. ІV. Library duties. 4.1To inform the users of all types of services, that gives, including and to the pay, in obedience to the list of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ratified by a decision from 05.06.1997 № 534. 4.2 To create the terms of comfort library maintenance of users, give help in the selection of necessary documents from a library fund and in a necessary information retrieval from electronic sources with the use of network the Internet. 4.3To care of service of users culture, adhere to ethics of mutual relations of librarian and user. 4.4To form for users a requirement in information, using a library, to assist the increase of culture of reading of children. 4.5Systematic to carry out control after the timely returning to the library of the documents given out to the users. 4.6To take into account interests and queries of users at forming of library fund, realization of mass measures, creation of reader associations and clubs after interests. 4.7Not to use a list about the users of library from be - by what purpose, except for scientific, without their consent. 4.8 To report about work of library before users and public. 4.9 Constantly to light up different directions of activity of establishment through mass medias.