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Department of storage, hygiene and restoration of documents

Organization of work  on saving and use of documents of libraries

Forming of exchange fund of documents  with the purpose of their transmission to the libraries of area

Timely cleaning of library fund from out­of­date, threadbare, and documents of duplicates

Operative and high­quality satisfaction of necessities and queries of users

A conduct of registration catalogue on a library fund

Co­ordination of work with the functional departments of library  in relation to the optimum redistribution of documents in accordance with the queries of users

Participating  in realization of the National and regional programs which touch saving and use of funds of libraries

Creation and equipping with modern amenities of library fund of department

Study of efficiency of the use and velocity of documents of libraries

Ensuring of high­quality restoration of documents of libraries

Organization and conducting of revisions of new receipts  for the workers of library

Giving practical assistance the librarians of area