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Department of informative, certificate­bibliographic
services and study of a particular region

Realization of co­ordinational work of functional departments  in relation of  forming the informatively­bibliographic culture of users

Collection, saving, popularization of documentary sources  from history, culture and modern life of edge

Timely addition toinformation office  materials in accordance with the requirements of present  time, participating in creation of electronic catalogue of library

Participating in the creation of the unique taken regional co­operative catalogue of libraries of area

A collaboration  with a regional museum, other museums and establishments of culture of area

Providing of operative access  to bibliography-informative folders

Organization and co­ordination of conducting the Days of information and bibliography  in a library

Drafting of bibliographic manuals of recommendations, informative lists of literature and periodicals; annual calendar of momentous and memorable dates of edge

Consulting ­practical help to the librarians of area